Job task analysis

A job task analysis is a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of the physical, cognitive and environmental demands of each task performed as part of the inherent requirements of job roles.

Job task analysis reports play a critical role in a business understanding the demands of each of their roles and can help in developing a job dictionary for the organisation.

What is included in a jobs task analysis?

A jobs tasks analysis comprises of a workplace assessment for each role within an organisation to better understand the physical and cognitive demands of each role.

When each role is analysed it outlines the frequency of each task and rates it between sedentary and very heavy dependent on the physicality, allowing the consumer to mitigate any apparent risks.

Individual jobs tasks analysis or job dictionaries can be used across various departments of an organisation, such as recruitment, workplace health and safety, and injury management to support their strategic objectives.

A jobs tasks analysis can be used to create a suitable duties register (ranking suitable duties) allowing organisations to provide duties to those returning to work following injury or illness, or to be used to tailor other injury prevention services such as a pre-employment assessment or manual handling training.

To learn more about undertaking a job task analysis please contact us.

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