A suitable duties register is a detailed breakdown of all available duties within an organisation in order of difficulty to perform following analysis from a jobs task analysis or workplace assessment.
Suitable duties registers can be created in reference to either the physical or the psychological requirements and provide the organisation with a complete list of available work duties that an injured worker may be able to perform as they recover from an injury or illness.
The available work duties can be discussed with a treating medical provider to guide the organisation in creating a graduated return to work plan.
The suitable duties register focuses on all the individual duties within jobs/roles rather than the actual jobs to enable organisations to fabricate their own roles (either permanently or temporarily) for those who would benefit from recovering at work.
The suitable duties register will enable the ranking of duties (as opposed to roles) from sedentary to very heavy.
Suitable duties registers help organisations retain workers in the workplace whilst recovering from injuries or illnesses and ensure they receive the health benefits of working.
These benefits can include preventing deconditioning, facilitating work hardening, reduced risk of developing mental health conditions and maintaining social and community engagement.
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