Case management

Our team provide expert case management to deliver and coordinate a return to work, new employment or return to life.

Pre-injury employer

We take a collaborative and holistic approach to support a person when they are returning to their pre-injury role.

As an employer, you are essential to a successful return.

Working with everyone involved develops the right goals and strategies to overcome any barriers that may arise and ensure a sustainable return to work plan.  

New employer

We believe a proactive and holistic approach to case management is the best way to support the transition to new employment.

By utilising evidence-based strategies, we’ll plan a suitable employment pathway and identify the skills to develop to help a person find and fill a new role.

Why choose Acumen Health?

Wherever you need us, we can help

Our teams deliver services Australia-wide so wherever you, your employees or your clients are based, we’ll be there to help.

People first

An evidence-based holistic approach places a person’s health and wellbeing at the centre of everything we do.

Benefit from experience

Our consultants are health professionals with extensive industry experience, so you get the highest quality advice, assessments and reports.

Building partnerships

We work collaboratively and take the time to understand your needs to tailor our services and support to deliver you the best outcomes.

Acumen Health can service your needs right across Australia